Why You Should Get Vaccinated to Attend Swing Dance Events

Mr. Wolf says "Pretty please, with sugar on top... GET VACCINATED"

Organizers behind the Cicada Club, Camp Hollywood, and other venues are starting to announce the first new Swing dance events since the start of the pandemic, with the requirement that patrons show proof of COVID-19 vaccination.

While the vast majority of Swing dancers welcome and support this policy, a vocal minority does not.

I wanted to express my support to organizers who are trying to re-start Swing dancing after this devastating pandemic. The fastest way to do that is to require patrons to be vaccinated.

And no, it’s not a violation of HIPAA privacy laws to require vaccination. Just like a restaurant can refuse service for not wearing shoes and shirt, venues can refuse service to those who are not vaccinated. You can easily verify this with a Google search.

Swing Dancing Is High Risk for the Unvaccinated

Take a look at this CDC infographic rating activities from Least Safe to Safest, with regard to spreading COVID-19.

CDC COVID-19 Infographic https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/pdfs/choosingSaferAct.pdf

Obviously, the CDC doesn’t mention Swing dancing specifically, but there is this: “Participate in an indoor, high intensity exercise class”, which sounds pretty close to Swing dancing to me. It’s rated as “Least Safe”.

In fact, Swing dancing is riskier because unlike in an exercise class, you are in really close face-to-face contact with people. It’s hard to think of a more efficient way to spread a highly communicable disease than partner dancing.

Getting Vaccinated Helps You and Others

Getting the COVID-19 protects yourself. According to the CDC:

Indoor and outdoor activities pose minimal risk to fully vaccinated people.


Furthermore, there’s evidence that getting vaccinated makes you less likely to spread COVID-19. According to the CDC:

a growing body of evidence suggests that fully vaccinated people are less likely to have asymptomatic infection or transmit SARS-CoV-2 to others.


Getting vaccinated also helps protect Swing venues and organizers. Imagine if a whole bunch of unvaccinated people showed up to a Swing dance event (yes, there are still large numbers of unvaccinated people around), and it turned into a super-spreader event, just when the world was starting to open up. You can say goodbye to Swing dancing there and maybe other venues for a long time.

Plus one other small thing… people could die.

So, get vaccinated. Do it for yourself. Do it for others. Do it to go Swing dancing again. Be grateful that organizers are putting themselves out there to re-start our favorite pastime – Swing dancing! – Brian

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3 years ago

I’ve been going down to Hangar 24 in Irvine on Tuesdays…outdoor dancing on a great wooden floor and live bands and dj during the band breaks…almost no one is wearing a mask..most of the dancers are Atomic Ballroom veterans and we are having a great time…

3 years ago
Reply to  Brian

The band usually plays from 5-8 then dj till 9…if you facebbok Tom Murray-Orange Circle Dancers and get invited you can keep up on all the bands playing in the OC area…

3 years ago

I cant wait to sue for ADA discrimination. I have a rare condition that prevents me from getting vaccinated.

Miriam Slater
Miriam Slater
3 years ago

Some people already have had covid, I am one of them…no need for me to get shots when I already have a strong natural immunity and for many years to come. However it is becoming evident that I will no longer be welcome to dance at most places and so I have planned my life accordingly – one door closes, and another opens as they say! Shots wear off by the way, it will be mandatory to get boosters for the rest of your life, & for every variant that comes along and you will have your papers to prove it. So, while I know everyone thinks they are out of the woods now, I respectfully submit, that things may not be quite as simple as presented in the above comments – things could get “complex” in the next year in terms of exotic variants, people who are fully vaccinated and still getting covid and the problem of exactly how to enforce vaccine papers in a social setting. However it plays out, I don’t think the mood will be quite as fun as it was before. I bring these ideas up as food for thought, consider what you is of interest and leave the rest!

3 years ago

I’m one of the minority who believes we do not need to show proof, even though I have both my moderna shots but I had covid back in Dec 2019 right at the beginning and came back to dancing on Jan 16 at Lindy Groove, Jan 17 Atomic Ballroom, Jan 18 PBDA, Jan 22 Joe’s Burbank and kept that schedule until the shutdown in March and no one I know got sick. I realize many who have lost loved ones to covid will think I’m a selfish, uncaring ass but I believe the shutdown made things worse and the argument of facts will not change the minds of vax vs no vax. I’m 71 and am not afraid.

LaurieAnn Lepoff
3 years ago

Here in the bay area, a few outdoor events are happening. We are mostly vaccinated, and it’s outside, and some still feel more comfortable keeping their masks on, but no proof of vax here yet. Probably when indoor venues open, that will happen. We just ask each other “Are you fully vaccinated?” Nobody is lying about it. Either they are, or they’ve only had their first shot, or it hasn’t been 2 weeks yet, or on rare occasions they don’t believe in it and anti vaxers tend to be vocal about it. But we’re dancing again and it feels downright miraculous!

LaurieAnn Lepoff
3 years ago
Reply to  Brian

We feel the same way!!

3 years ago

I am in the Bay Area but not in the know. What outdoor events are happening? This fully vaccinated gal wants to go!

John Apodaca
John Apodaca
3 years ago

There are several outdoor swing dance venues, that vaccination will not fall under.

3 years ago

Yay! Thanks for posting this, already Vaxed and excited to dance again in a safe way.

Doug Kihn
3 years ago

I’m getting my J&J shot Friday. Yeah!